Sunday, November 6, 2011

Above Average

Is it normal that my 5 month old child just went to sleep in 24 month pajamas and they weren't really that big on him? I can't believe how big this kid is. It is kind of ridiculous and awesome at the same time. Ryan weighs in at about 24 pounds and no longer fits into clothes that are smaller than 12-18 months and that size probably won't last very long. The really crazy part is that most kids do their biggest growing once they start solids and Ryan hasn't come close to starting solids. We have tried to get him to eat rice cereal and oatmeal but he has no interest! He still has the tongue thrust reflex where he pushes the food out of his mouth without giving it any chance of reaching his throat. This is a normal reflex that usually goes away between 4 and 6 months. With Jack it went away early because that boy wanted to eat! Ryan on the other hand seems to be pretty content with just the formula for now. For the first time the other day we saw him getting really interested in food. Caroline was sucking down a yogurt in front of him and he was really interested in what she was doing.

This is what a recent attempt at feeding look like...

He is quite a messy eater.

This is what Jackson looked like not long after he started eating solids!

Needless to say we don't make small boys in the Gray family!

1 comment:

  1. I might mention that you are quite large. The only amazing thing is that their mom is so tiny and yet here are these HUGE babies! At least I was BIG and your father was BIG. They are all three...beautiful. (you are cute too but I am somewhat biased)
