Monday, October 24, 2011

Bedtime Shenanigans

Don't these two little kids look so cute? Well they are cute until one of them refuses to go to sleep. Jack has been doing so great at sleeping lately and has been sleeping in and through the night. Over the past several weeks he has been giving us a run for our money when it comes to actually falling asleep. Tonight Annie put him up to bed a little before 8 and he was quiet and as we thought asleep by 8:30. Right now we are putting Jack to bed before Caroline because he can't handle her being in there with him as he tries to fall asleep. If they are awake in their room together Jack will without a doubt get Caroline to start playing with him and madness will ensue. In just minutes the two of them can turn a nice clean room into a war zone of stuffed animals, books and trampolines. It seems that Jack has learned a new trick recently. When Annie and I think Jack is asleep we go in to check and make sure he is actually asleep. In the past when he wasn't asleep he would poke his head up and smile or laugh at you. Well, now he is being diabolical and pretends to be asleep. Thinking Jack is asleep we bring Caroline in so she can go to bed. Not too long after Annie or I leaves the room Jack can be heard goading Caroline into playing with him.

If this kid wasn't mine this would be so much funnier! Tonight Jack decided that he didn't want to go to bed so we moved him out of the room to allow Caroline to sleep. I put him into an extra large portable crib in my room and told him to go right to bed. He says, "Otay Daddy!"

A few minutes later as I am sitting down watching TV I hear loud thumping noise repeatedly. Jack decided that it was time to jump in his gigantic portable crib making so much noise that I thought for sure he was going to come through the floor into the living room. I decide to move him back to his bed as Caroline was now asleep and he does sleep better there. Once I get back downstairs Jack starts yelling, "Mommy, Pee. Pee, Mommy! Mommy...peeeeee!" This kid is awesome and ridiculous all at the same time. Finally asleep sometime after 10pm.

Just a reminder to some of you who may not have seen it...this is how I found Jack the other night after he had fallen asleep. His diaper and Pj's were on the floor next to his bed and he was in his birthday suit. "No need diaper, Daddy!" Yes, need diaper Jackson!

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