Monday, April 12, 2010

Whose Idea Was This?

Let me say this right upfront...I absolutely love my children to pieces. I love them more than I thought I could ever love anything. Here it comes...BUT, having two kids is so freakin' hard sometimes. Today I picked the kids up from daycare and brought them home. Caroline didn't want to go inside, but instead wanted to play outside. I thought to myself, "It is so nice outside, this should be fun!" Well, turns out the kids had fun, but dad did not. We started with playing chalk on the driveway for Caroline and sitting in the grass. Before long Caroline wanted to ride her bike. So I get the helmet and I get the bike. Then Jack starts crying. So, I run over and take of him. Then Caroline reminds me she wants to ride her bike. So, I run over and put on the helmet and give her a push on the bike. Jack starts crying again. Take care of him again. Caroline yells, "I need help." Run over and give her another push. Jack cries, so I pick him up. Caroline, "I need a push." Jack, "Waaaaaaaa!" Dad starts sweating! Caroline doesn't know how to petal so I get to push her around while carrying a 27 pound 8 month old who is squirming but no longer crying. Put Jack down because Caroline now wants to ride her electric princess car. Get her on that and turn to see Jack with a rock in his mouth. He is loving it, me not so much.
So, I go and get the rock out of Jack's mouth and then Caroline drives straight into the storage cabinet in the garage. The crash doesn't hurt her, until miss coordination tries to get off of the little ATV thingy and hits finger on a cabinet in the garage! Jack puts more rocks in his mouth. I decide it is time to go inside! Caroline gets a cartoon, Jack gets to mess with whatever he wants and I crash onto the couch exhausted from my hour playing outside with the kids! I need a shower!